Life Skills SOMI 297

Julie and Abby – Lifelong Friends

Julie and Abby met at school and reconnected years later at the Thresholds Life Skills program. They became close friends as they participated in fun events like bowling and going to dances together. They became such good friends that Julie’s family took Abby with them on a family vacation to Dollywood! They always looked forward to the times they had together with the other Life Skills participants, but especially enjoyed seeing each other.

Julie and Abby are happy to talk about their friendship. “Abby is a good, good friend. We have known each other since school.” Abby says, “Julie is my best friend...With her mother and father we went to Dollywood... She helps me do fun things, like bingo, and go places, right Julie?” “Yeah,” says Julie with a smile.

Group activities like Life Skills paused in the early months of the pandemic. Julie and Abby didn’t see each other or have any contact during this time. They missed each other terribly. When Life Skills was able to resume activities, no one was happier than Abby and Julie because they could resume their friendship!

The benefits of participating in the Life Skills program reach far beyond learning skills and trying new, fun activities. Life Skills groups also provide a caring community of friends, so vital to people who might otherwise feel sad and alone. Thresholds’ Life Skills program provides not only fun and skill development, but opportunities for relationships between people who might otherwise feel very isolated and lonely.